The Double DVD taped by ExQi with 4 hours of Dirks best sketches and songs was released on April 6th 2009. Most of that material is in Dutch, but some sketches and songs are in English. An English version (1 hour) was compilated and is being broadcasted by ExQi from time to time. See also the our DVD page !



The Demo DVD

It was taped for a live audience by Wim Van den Eynde (VRT). It contains 7 songs and sketches in 7 different languages, plus a videoclip.

You can enjoy:

The eighth dwarf (Danish) (a previous version can be viewed on this webpage)
Willy Nelson & Julio Iglesias (Spanish)
Belgium (German)
Terminal breath (Dutch)
Bill Gates (English, of course - an previous version is available on this webpage)
The candidate for the presidency of the United States of Europe (French)
Eros Ramazotti (Italian)

The entire DVD has been subtitled in English.

The cover can be downloaded here (pdf)

Most of this material can be found on Youtube. There is no copyright: it was made for promotion purposes anyway !




Video Library


We have some old material available on video, most of it in Dutch. But as you can see, we included some material in English, and even Danish !

You will need Windows Media Player (yes it exists for Mac too). If you don't have Media Player: download via this link.

The files are pretty large. Windows:"Save target as..."

MAC : command-click and select "Download Link To Disk".


Series 1: (click the images for downloading)


Compilation, multilingual

Quicktime (.mov)

26,2 Mb

Guy Verhofstadt, always positive, Dutch

Quicktime (.mov)

27,2 Mb

Eros Ramazotti, Italian with a Flemish flavour

Quicktime (.mov)

14,5 Mb

George W.Bush, English of course

Quicktime (.mov)

25,8 Mb

Claude Barzotti, Fench and Dutch

Quicktime (.mov)

14,4 Mb

The Eighth Dwarf ... in Danish !

Quicktime (.mov)

(6,4 Mb)

Simon en Garfunkel with a Danish ending


(5,7 Mb)

The Collector of Terminal Breaths... in Spanish


(10 Mb)

Willy Nelson and Julio Iglesias, in Spanish


6 Mb)


Series 2: The very very beginning


.(1992) Sort of Spitting Image in Jan Van Rompaey's TV-show "Zeker Weten". Production: Wim Robberechts, Puppets: Maillard.


(7,1 Mb)


(1994): Dirk's own TV-show: Candid Camera on VT4


(1,9 Mb)

(1997) Series of short items for TV2 (now called Canvas) on VRT


(3,2 Mb)



Series 3: Fragments from previous theatre shows



Amateur recording of a sketch in the late nineties. Dirk did still disguise at the time. Here is is Jean-Pierre Van Rossem complaining about being in a wheel chair. Dutch


(12 Mb)



Dirk alias Kamiel Kafka, parody on the famous character by kamagurka. Dutch.

Arenberg Theatre, 2 October 2004

(sorry for low quality- Quicktime)

(6 Mb)


The Collector of Terminal Breaths, Dutch, Leopoldsburg 2003-2004


(6,4 Mb)


Serie 4: Dirk and Marco Borsato


See pages about the collaboration with Marco Borsato