Het Beste van 10 Jaar Dirk Denoyelle (The Best of 10 years)






The Best of 10 Years Dirk Denoyelle brought an overview of Dirk;s strongest songs and sketches. A double-CD was released together with radio2 and VirginMusic. And Dirk built his famous LEGO head exhibition.

Thanks to:

Philippe Leclef from (at the time) Virgin Music

Eufoda and Var for their contribution to the CD "Het Beste van Dirk Denoyelle"

VRT, especially Radio2 West-Vlaanderenfor taping and promoting the CD.

Michel Botteldoorn from ADB from whom we got perfect service buying a Cantor light mixing table

Koen Vroman and Erwin Eulaerts, from Lego Belgium who made the LEGO exhibition possible. Special thanks to Rik and Thomas for logistics, and Ludo Stroobants and Tony Linsen who have become good friends, even when not working for LEGO anymore.




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