Season 2007-2008 en 2008-2009



“The sound of a collision. An ambulance. Heartbeats. Dirk is brought to a hospital. Or is it a madhouse ? Singers come and go, politicans appear, weirdoes take the floor. Denoyelle sits there and watches. What kind of intrigue is this ? Where is he ? Kris De Jean knows more, but keeps his mouth shut..."
In this show Dirk impersonates both John Hiatt and Frans Bauer, Michel Daerden and Robbie Williams, Elio Di Rupo and Eva De Roovere. And many more.

“Opgenomen” ("Taken in", but also "Recorded") is Dirks 11th theatre show, and for the time being his last one. Again Dirk couples intelligent humour to political satire, a nice dose of voice imitations, superb musical parodies and more universal sketcehs in the tradition of "The collector of terminal breaths".


Text: Dirk Denoyelle & Danny Braem; Music:Kris De Jean; Director : Jos Dom, Singing coaching: David Verbeeck; special thanks to Lies Evens, Neel Swinnen, Jan Mangelschots, Rik Van Nuffel from the VVGG, Philippe Van Walle, Alfacam, Guy Van Hasselt, Joachim Verheyen, Johan Vigoureux and many others...


BAck to theatre shows

Fotoshoot for the "Opgenomen" poster. Photgrapher Alex Deyaert says this picture shows his best side :-)
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