August 2006 : Try-outs in Germany and Austria
At the end of August 2006 Dirk and Kris drove off to Leinsweiler (Rheinland-Pfalz, Südliche Weinstraße, the region south of Kaiserslautern) and Neunkirchen (about 70 kilometers south of Vienna) to try out their new German show. The reactions were overwhelming. "Toll, Spitze, Super" were just a few of the superlatives used on the evaluation forms.
While driving Dirk listens to the pre-recorded version of the show. No better way to memorize a text: it's a bit like the Assimil language learning nethod: hear a sentence, repeat a sentence, hear a sentencee, repeat, ...
We still don't know if people came for the show of for the local "flammkuchen" (a kind of very thin pizza). But what we do know, is that they liked the show !
Kris felt at home in Neunkirchen. Dirk and Kris played their show in the local music school...
A litlle sight-seeing: Vienna in half a day !