July 20th 2006 : European Management Conference CHEP
CHEP is active all over the world The company is specialised in renting pallets and containers to other companies. They work with a pool system. And as the network is very extensive, they can offer high quality material at quite a low price.
Dirk attended the conference during two days. The top 100 of CHEP Europe was present. At the end of the second day, Dirk gave his alternative view on the logistics business, and on CHEP. Nobody knew who Dirk really was (the few Belgians had recognised him, but they kept their mouths shut !). So Dirk was introduced as a very big shot professor. The CHEP staff listened very attentively, took notes, until the content of Dirk's speech started to get really weird: support the military in Belarus ? Biowaves ?
After ten minutes everybody finally knew for sure: these are comedians ! From then on Dirk and Kris played their show, using many references to what had been discussed during the confernce the previous days. Tot en met een echt "CHEP-lied". Bij de evaluatie van de sprekers achteraf mochten de deelnemers kwoteren van 1 tot 5. Dirk haalde nergens lager dan 4, en kreeg zelfs een paar keer 10 !
They even had created a "CHEP-song". At the end of the conference, the audience was asked to give scores for the speakers. Bad was 1, excellent was 5. Dirk and Kris never got less than 4, and a few people gave them a 10 !The congress was organised by a Belgian: Tine Van Driessche from CHEP in Bornem.
The conference took place at the Lago Maggiore in the Hotel Iles des Borromees. One of the most prestigious ones in the area !
Professor dr. ir. Dirk Denoyelle at the beginning of his very scientific speech. And for the freaks: not all of it was silly. In fact, quite some stuff would do pretty well in a real analysis of the logistics business ..