August 28 2005 : De IJzerbedevaart

In order to properly understand what the "IJzerbedevaart" really is, one should familiarize first with the history of Belgium, and the sometimes difficult relations between DUtch speaking (the Flemish) and French speaking. To make a long story short: de IJzerbedevaart is a manifestation organised by the Flemish to remember the injustice of war in general, and the injustice against the flemish during the war9s) in particular. And as relations between both nations in Belgium still are not what they should be, the event is usually also a platform to bring under the attention again some difficulties, and some suggestions to try and solve the matter. Of course the solutions proposed usually are presented from the Flemish viewpoint.

The slogan of the manifestion is "Peace, tolerance and freedom". Nobdy can be aganst that. So Dirk gladly accepted the invitation, and did some fine parodies on Guy Verhofstadt, prime minitser at the time, and not very concerned with the Flemish cause, and King Albert II.

In the right lower corner one can see Yves Leterme who was minister-president in Flanders at the time. Later he would become prime minister. Next to him minister for Cultural Affairs in the Flemish government Bert Anciaux.


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